Thursday, July 9, 2009

School Bullies morph into Corporate Bullies.

The corporate terminology is “office politics.” But it’s the same thing except, a) they are not becoming physically violent, and b) they will not engage in loud quarrelsome behavior(s). It’s just an intellectual method of dominating over another; but doing this in a professional, discreet, way. The goal is to bring a person or department down. Basically, embarrass them. Sometimes there are “behind-the-scenes” discussions, and planned methodologies to question you in front of a large forum. Obviously the goal is to embarrass you in front of many individuals (usually with higher ranking executives present), with intellectual questions, prepped in advance, knowing that you won’t know the answers.
Sadly, I’ve witnessed this on too many encounters. It’s truly sad and cruel to see a group of adults convene to embarrass another person or department. What’s even worse, these same bullies talk about going to church every Sunday with their families!
So, if you think the bullying stops after High School, think again.

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